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Wichwachwouch! (45min - from 4 years)

Mr. Stekel has built a house in a place where only the wind wants to live.
There is hardly anything and yet everything he needs.
Is he alone? Or is something or someone already there?
Invisible and yet visible. Something or someone that wants to be heard or seen? That wants to play along?
The tree sways.., the hatch opens.., the ground moves,.... Is somebody comming in? Is Stekel dreaming? Is he on the water... or flying in the air... with the wind?
A musical and visual performance, about being alone and together. Where wordless play between two actors, a touch of humour and absurdity evoke a different world.

For this performance the actors worked with wood, plastic, waste material. With objects that are not perfect. With accordion and other sounds. What stories can you build and tell with that?
In contrast to a society in which everything has to be under control, new, fast, perfect and where everything is written out in scripts, they mainly wanted to follow their inner compas and imagination.
They have opted for a certain simplicity and imagination, without making a story that is filled in to perfection.
The audience is free to enjoy what is there, to pick up what it sees, feels, experiences,.. and thereby make up their own story.

We are pleased that you are there!

Concept and performance: Vincent Verbeeck and Hannes Goffin
Music: Vincent Verbeeck
Décor: Hannes Goffin
Coaching: Micheline Vandepoel

With thanks to CC De Schakel (Waregem), GC De Kluize (Oosterzele), GC Ten Weyngaert (Vorst), CC Deurne, Jan Hongenaert, Joris Gulders, Elisabeth Verbeeck (technics) en Sophie Vanhomwegen (teaser)