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Courage  ( Indoor and outdoor )

My door to a world full of social beings...
Where I long to be seen & heard…
Where I want to be helped...
Where I invite your caring & compassion…
Where I end, the other begins...

A wordless, absurd, tragicomic & clownish performance,
Of a man & his door on the world.
Of a man & his story of powerlessness & loneliness.
In the meeting zone that is explored together.

Location: Indoor or outdoor.
A (semi) circle show.
In a hall or enclosed outdoor venue.
Preferably without much ambient noise.

Duration: 30 min
Age: For family audiences and adults, from 12+
Audience: max 150

Concept and Play: Hannes Goffin
Direction: Micheline Vande Poel
Photos: Lieven De Couvreur

Technical data

To be provided for by the organiser

  • Backstage area close to the stage for the artist to change and warm up, with a table, chair and mirror.
  • For security/theft of materials, we request an area that can be locked.
  • During lunch break: vegetarian sandwich or meal and 2 bottles of water.
  • Parking close to performance venue, backstage area and parking tickets.
  • The safety of the artist and materials.
  • Break: min. 30min, after each part.
  • The safety of the artist and materials.
    A performance area:
  • Minimum 5 by 5m
  • Place without much ambient noise is preferred.
  • Flat solid surface (outdoor: grass, earth, stone or asphalt surface - no cobblestones),
  • No height requirements.
  • Outdoor: preferably a stand for audience in semicircle / Indoor: in the possible scène on scène.
  • No electricity required
  • Indoor: lighting plan available