Marcel & Benny

In a chaotic world, two playful characters Marcel & Benny propel themselves forward with their whimsical wonder for every individual. Their curious gaze guides them in the discovery of everyday little things they love to share with each other. In the flow moment, in what they do TOGETHER with the other in the here and now, they ultimately find connection and happiness!
Humor, poignancy, relaxation and voila… Marcel & Benny continue on their way, searching, listening and watching. No one knows what is yet to come. But everybody knows… their happiness can be shared… with Marcel & Benny.
Hannes Goffin (Duo Abbraccio - Meewint) & Jan Vermeersch (Cirq'ulation Locale - TNT shows) blend 20 years of professional experience in street theater and circus into a common language of contemporary clowning. A physical theatrical clown’s play with acrobatics and interactive street theater. An original, unique own language that is simultaneously universal and recognizable.
[ short version ]
Technical data

To be provided for by the organiser
- Backstage area close to the stage for the artists to change and warm up
- A table, two chairs, a sink, a mirror and a shower
- For security reasons/theft of materials, we ask for an area that can be locked
- Two vegetarian meals
- 2 bottles of water
- Parking close to the backstage area and parking tickets
- The safety of the artist(s) and materials
- Break: min. 30 min, after each part